Arts3 Foundation

Arts3 Foundation

Empowering creators and artists through Web3 innovations and tools. Learn more

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The Arts3 Foundation, established in Zug, Switzerland, on February 28, 2024, focuses on backing Web3-related technical innovations and tools that empower creators and artists. The Foundation actively scouts for potential projects, startups, other foundations, or charitable associations. It performs its own due diligence by inviting potentially qualifying cases to submit the necessary information to determine eligibility for support. The decision to grant support is made by a majority vote of the Trustees. The Foundation does not return documents or enter into correspondence regarding decisions to decline support.

Eligibility criteria include alignment with the Foundation's purpose, innovation and creativity, impact on the Web3 ecosystem, feasibility and viability, and collaboration and inclusivity. Key parameters considered include an overview of the project and its stage (startup, seed, series, etc.).

The Arts3 Foundation operates in the Web3 space, specifically targeting the Art Entertainment Industry. It supports projects that promote innovation and creativity within this ecosystem. The Foundation's business model involves identifying and supporting promising initiatives through a rigorous selection process, thereby fostering growth and development in the Web3 and art sectors.

Keywords: Web3, innovation, creators, artists, due diligence, trustees, feasibility, inclusivity, art entertainment, startups.

Investments by Arts3 Foundation
