Ephion Health

Ephion Health

Launch date
Market cap
Enterprise valuation
AUD2—3m (Dealroom.co estimates Jun 2023.)
Company register number B16776411
Barcelona Catalonia (HQ)
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Early VC


Total FundingAUD510k

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Ephion Health is an innovative startup focused on revolutionizing patient mobility monitoring through advanced technology. The company operates in the healthcare sector, specifically targeting medical professionals and institutions that manage patients with mobility issues. Ephion Health's primary product is a digital platform that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor and assess patient mobility. This platform digitalizes common functional tests such as the 6-Minute Walk Test (6MWT), 10-Meter Walk Test (10MR), Stair Climb Test (SCT), Timed Up and Go (TUG), and Timed Transfer Sit-to-Stand Test (TTST).

The platform is designed to be user-friendly, providing an intuitive interface that guides healthcare professionals through the preparation, execution, and analysis of each test. The results are quickly processed and presented in a comprehensive dashboard, allowing for easy management of patient data, comparison of results, and tracking of progress over time. This digital approach not only enhances the accuracy and detail of patient assessments but also saves time for healthcare providers.

Ephion Health's business model is based on a subscription service, where medical institutions and professionals pay a recurring fee to access the platform. This model ensures a steady revenue stream while providing continuous updates and support to users. The company also offers free consultations to potential clients, allowing them to experience the benefits of the platform before committing to a subscription.

The market for Ephion Health includes hospitals, rehabilitation centers, physical therapy clinics, and other healthcare facilities that require precise and efficient mobility assessments for their patients. By leveraging AI and digital technology, Ephion Health aims to improve patient outcomes and streamline the workflow for healthcare providers.

Keywords: patient mobility, healthcare technology, AI monitoring, functional tests, digital platform, medical professionals, subscription service, patient assessment, healthcare innovation, Ephion Health.