Split Software

Split Software

A feature delivery platform that powers engineering teams to build impactful products. Learn more

Launch date
Market cap
Enterprise valuation
AUD309—464m (Dealroom.co estimates Aug 2021.)
Redwood City California (HQ)



Revenues, earnings & profits over time
% growth-16 %113 %
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Split.io is a software development tool that enhances the efficiency and safety of product rollouts. It operates in the software development market, serving global enterprise organizations that face unique challenges in releasing new features at scale.

The company's primary offering is its Feature Data Platform™, which uses feature flags, automated rollout monitoring, and A/B testing to facilitate faster and safer product rollouts. Feature flags allow developers to separate the deployment of code from its release, accelerating the rollout process without compromising safety. Automated rollout monitoring and A/B testing remove the guesswork from product development, enabling teams to make data-informed decisions instead of relying on gut instinct.

Split.io's business model is based on providing these services to product development teams, likely through a subscription or usage-based pricing model. The company's unique SDK architecture allows data to be processed locally, ensuring that sensitive customer data never leaves the client's app. This feature is particularly valuable for clients with stringent security and privacy requirements.

In summary, Split.io provides a platform that enables product development teams to improve the speed and safety of their rollouts, while also providing deeper contextual insight into every feature they release. This allows them to continuously improve their products, while also maintaining control over their data.

Keywords: Software Development, Product Rollouts, Feature Flags, Automated Rollout Monitoring, A/B Testing, Data-Informed Decisions, Global Enterprise Organizations, SDK Architecture, Security, Privacy.

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